Time Management is Dead: Long Live Adaptability
If you have an agenda, a plan, you are not simply a victim — which is a big shift in the narration.
Diving into Dreams: Convincing Your Brain to Achieve More
When you think that your life will be over, it is primarily your imagination that is more wired to the worst. But by mapping out the options and the consequences, you can now see that most of the worst cases temporarily affect your life.
Why don’t you need to control your feelings?
We want to control our feelings that don’t work because what we can control is not the emotions but what we think about an event. Influence your thoughts to influence your feelings.
Is Multitasking Boosting Your Productivity?
There is a myth of the productivity hero that can do a lot of things at the same time. Is it the case, or is it artificial?
Wu wei and the stoics in Leadership
We can navigate life more easily by learning and combining ancient principles and philosophies. Leaders must be thinkers as well.
One way to let things go
One way to let things go is to let go of control. Trying to control everything takes mental space, and trying too hard will burn you out.
Attitude to three typical interview topics
Some questions during a job interview may be difficult to answer. Employers may ask different questions depending on the industry, but they might ask some common tough questions. These questions help them learn more about you as a candidate.
Plan for flexibility with stoicism
If you feel that everything is just changing constantly, you are not alone. However, it is time to accept changes and be more flexible.
The New Workplace Trend: Nonlinear Workdays
A nonlinear workday is a next step in flexibility for companies in the upcoming years. The location flexibility is a working model now, but it is not enough in the long-term. People need to be time independent as well.
Automate and Eliminate to Focus on Your Dreams
Did you know that most people only spend about 1.5 hours a day on things they love? The rest of the time is spent doing less enjoyable things that don’t inspire us to pursue our dreams. If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone.
The Psychology and Neuroscience of Learning
Learning is a complex activity with multiple interacting factors at play. The psychology and neuroscience of learning can help us understand how learning works in the brain. Let’s take a look at what we know about this topic so far.
Ask for a Raise: Negotiating Your Salary
Asking for a raise is one of the hardest tasks at work. As an employee, we feel vulnerable and start from a defensive point of view. With some practice and preparation, though, you can make it easier for yourself.
Cognitive Biases Can Help and Hurt
We all have cognitive biases. We can't help it - they are part of how our brains work. Cognitive biases are unconscious judgements that we make about people, things, and situations. They help us make quick decisions but can also lead us astray.
Being effective vs efficient
Do others recognise your efforts? Do you put 10-12 hours into your work and still feel overwhelmed? You might need to consider how effective and efficient is your working style?
What is success for you?
What does success look like? What are the winning conditions for you? How do you like to win? Then, think about your way of success to experience more of it.
The Power Of “I don’t know“
It is OK not to know everything and not be the smartest person in the room. It can be liberating, and you can use it to your advance.
One Way To Learn Positive Communication
The tone you set is what you will get back. Make sure that your communication is positive and aim for win-win.
Five Signs of a Real Professional
People tend to call others professional too quickly nowadays, and in this confusing situation, more people believe themselves to be professional. However, sometimes reality shows something else.
How to Be More Successful With These 3 Habits
With a little discipline, using the following tips, being more successful could eventually require less effort and become part of your daily routine.